Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hentai add on your Bus Ride !?

Thanks to a very kind Japanese blogger we here in the US have been treaked to yet another cultural eye opener. If you though having porn in your daily newspaper, on as a normal channel for you to watch, or themed hotels to get your freak on was shocking just wait to you here this.

To celebrate and advertise the release of a new hentai game one of many companies in Japan decided the best way to that was cover a bus with all their characters and drive it around town.

After quickly watching one of their youtube commercials it is clear they intend to out do everybody by having a girl/woman for everyone. Perhaps another way of looking at it is they have a character to fit every character type/stereotype. Whether it's blond, brunette, red head, purple, green, skinny, tall, short, flat or mountains they have every kind of stereotypical anime female character you can imagine, plus a few guys. Old buff man, pretty boy and too gay to believe are the dudes of this bunch.

Apart from being quite surprised, despite the fact I knew all the other things mentioned, I find myself feeling kinda sad for the sitch over there. A declining population and more porn than anywhere I could possibly think of. Perhaps hentai and all this over indulgence is not such a good idea nor a reasonable plan, that is assuming that it is not all just greed driven marketing to help currency circulate.

Perhaps I am being to harsh, after all it is only a few people controlling advertising not everyone. After all there is tons of porn in America we just don't show it out in public and now thanks to the internet, that is when it came out, we have virtually limitless porn at our fingertips.

For more pics and videos of this check out the link below, it is a blog in Japanese for those who can read it.
Hentai for all

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