Monday, May 3, 2010


After all the years of waiting in deep anticipation, past the comedy of the first one and trying to clean the blemish that was the Chun Li street fighter comes a shimmering light. Street Fighter Legacy although it may be only a small budget movie, it give the most accurate depiction of what the game series has brought through to it's fans.

Ryu, Ken, Akuma and a few more faces make their appearance in this short film. Like all good street fighter themes the plot is simple and deals mainly with the characters trying to out do themselves. A guaranteed fight between Ryu and Ken is quickly revealed in the first of two trailers for the movie. There are also a few pics to browse through Joey Ansah's website hyper linked below.

Of course there remains a few concerns from this Street fighter blogger mainly the fact that in the trailers we are never witnessed to any special effects. One Haduken would be nice to see so we know it won't be a repeat of the yellow garbage we saw in Chun Li's movie. Even worse would be a repeat of the Dragon Ball live action movie. Though I doubt they would look like this I can't help but wonder.

There are no major actors in this film, but the actors they picked so far could not have been better. They look fairly decent as Ryu and Ken with those crazy eye brows being spot on the mark and costume design is finally accurate as opposed to the silly get up that we saw in the original street fighter movie. Set design looks like it was filmed out in the forest which gives it a spectacular sense of realism compared to sets which have the unfortunate problem of feeling fake and cheap.


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