Friday, April 23, 2010

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Movies to Games

As usual the gaming industry has misinformed their loyal fans so that we are in anticipation of a soon to be released game, this way they have all their ducks in a row first and plenty of time to finish up the game well before the announcement.

Since 2008 this game has been in the works, to nicely coincide with the upcoming Marvel movies. Capcom and Marvel have been playing the hot potato game tossing ideas back and forth in order to help give the game a more professional feel and depth to the game play while trying to integrate as many characters as possible with out loosing all the good things that where in the last game.

Interesting enough is characters chosen to be in the games are the same characters that will be coming to a theater near you in the up coming months and as a team in 2011. The movies which will include Ironman, Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, Thor that will conclude with the release of the avengers movie in 2011 at the same time as the games release. Thats right kiddies you not only get over hyped by all these summer blockbusters but you will be able to take them home next year to battle out all your epic fights between your favorite heros.

In addition to all you Capcom fans out there you will not be disappointed as you see the updated versions of Morgan, Ryu and many more on the games release.

Thanks to Game Trailers

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