Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hentai add on your Bus Ride !?

Thanks to a very kind Japanese blogger we here in the US have been treaked to yet another cultural eye opener. If you though having porn in your daily newspaper, on as a normal channel for you to watch, or themed hotels to get your freak on was shocking just wait to you here this.

To celebrate and advertise the release of a new hentai game one of many companies in Japan decided the best way to that was cover a bus with all their characters and drive it around town.

After quickly watching one of their youtube commercials it is clear they intend to out do everybody by having a girl/woman for everyone. Perhaps another way of looking at it is they have a character to fit every character type/stereotype. Whether it's blond, brunette, red head, purple, green, skinny, tall, short, flat or mountains they have every kind of stereotypical anime female character you can imagine, plus a few guys. Old buff man, pretty boy and too gay to believe are the dudes of this bunch.

Apart from being quite surprised, despite the fact I knew all the other things mentioned, I find myself feeling kinda sad for the sitch over there. A declining population and more porn than anywhere I could possibly think of. Perhaps hentai and all this over indulgence is not such a good idea nor a reasonable plan, that is assuming that it is not all just greed driven marketing to help currency circulate.

Perhaps I am being to harsh, after all it is only a few people controlling advertising not everyone. After all there is tons of porn in America we just don't show it out in public and now thanks to the internet, that is when it came out, we have virtually limitless porn at our fingertips.

For more pics and videos of this check out the link below, it is a blog in Japanese for those who can read it.
Hentai for all

Japanese Fans get Nintendo Fans

Since WWII there has always been a bit of uneasy tension between Japan and the U.S.. Over the years it shifted from ethnic distrust to the car market and eventually the market at large all the while become less and less of an issue. But still you have to wonder why so many of the great product out on the market, especially the video game market.

Starting off early on in the gaming industry it has often been the case that new releases come out with special extras that include but are not limited too: T-shirt, soundtracks, mini-figures and even hand puppets. The trend of Japan always getting the best deal games in recent times has been mildly stemmed off by the US getting a small bonus that the Japan release did not get, however.

Regardless of all the goodies that come with video games, are the merchandise that goes along with the franchises that more than not does not make it here to America. Nintendo's Fans as can be seen through the link are no different and in fact accentuate the point even more by being only available to Japanese Nintendo Club members only.

These all might be great marketing schemes and what not, but when the companies are not the ones making the huge killing and instead it's the consumers making money off of well other consumers it makes you wonder what on earth are they thinking? I could easily understand only making limited quantities to drive up demand. When you limit your market to one country you got to be thinking people either A. you think people wouldn't buy your stuff, which is crazy for here in America the consumer country of the world, or B. you weren't thinking at all and just said screw 'em.

Japan Fans

Friday, April 23, 2010

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Movies to Games

As usual the gaming industry has misinformed their loyal fans so that we are in anticipation of a soon to be released game, this way they have all their ducks in a row first and plenty of time to finish up the game well before the announcement.

Since 2008 this game has been in the works, to nicely coincide with the upcoming Marvel movies. Capcom and Marvel have been playing the hot potato game tossing ideas back and forth in order to help give the game a more professional feel and depth to the game play while trying to integrate as many characters as possible with out loosing all the good things that where in the last game.

Interesting enough is characters chosen to be in the games are the same characters that will be coming to a theater near you in the up coming months and as a team in 2011. The movies which will include Ironman, Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, Thor that will conclude with the release of the avengers movie in 2011 at the same time as the games release. Thats right kiddies you not only get over hyped by all these summer blockbusters but you will be able to take them home next year to battle out all your epic fights between your favorite heros.

In addition to all you Capcom fans out there you will not be disappointed as you see the updated versions of Morgan, Ryu and many more on the games release.

Thanks to Game Trailers

The Beginning of the End?

There will be no asteroid, no fire from the sky or seas boiling. No nothing biblical will happen on 2012 December 21. Instead things will start out small and build up to a climactic changing of the world as we know it or in other words the end of one age and the beginning of another.

As I just stated things will start out small. Money being the back bone of the worlds trade will start to wain, more specifically the USD. Why or how? Well it all goes back to the good old interest on what you owe. As you may or may not know the USD is base upon a system of the government needs cash and asks for a loan from the federal reserve telling them we will give you back more than you gave us or interest. The problem is how will you get the money to pay them back if you keep spending is all, so they ask for a loan to be able to pay of the larger loan and cover what they spent, so even a larger loan!?

Well you may think this is not just crazy, but well how did we last this long doing this or how long have we be doing this. Since 1913 when the federal reserve was reestablished. By doing this the US government was essentially given unlimited funds to rev up to WWI. This all may sound like a conspiracy theory, well lets not focus on conspiracies and focus on what we do know. The real reason why the USD has been able to keep up is because it has become digitized or in lay-mans terms 97% of all currency in the USA exists only on computers while only 3% exist in physical form.

After running the numbers, both economists and mathematicians have concluded that the USD will become unsustainable around 2011-2013 when the loan devices growth has become exponential beyond control even if 99.9% becomes digitized. Think why does everyone want you to use your debt card instead of real cash? Remember those commercials that had everyone using their card like a well oiled machine and the one person who uses cash is looked down upon?

Fine so this happens, think everyone will go crazy? Nope, wrong again people will adapt and change to fit the changing conditions however banks, money and trade online will most likely disappear and large cities will have to depopulate because of they will be unable to sustain themselves with food. Most industries will all so leave the market due to lack of funding and need. All this and more to come will not happen overnight but will take many years and more likely decades to unfold. Till next time enjoy the world now for it will not last.